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Lab Coffee

Brand Identity +  Logo Design

Lab Coffee is the sister brand to Yoga Lab in Bloomington, Illinois. Through classes, coffee, and community, the space creates an experience for each and every person to access the foundational tools of regulation, relationship, and reasoning to empower them to live rich lives pursuing the work they love.

Creating The Brand


The Lab Coffee logo was designed to showcase both coffee and acai. The two bowls overlap one another creating an optical illusion. This overlap also makes the bowls appear to be connected and highlights the coffee shop’s goal of fostering community.








The specific challenge for this project was how to blend two sister brands together while also keeping each one distinct and separately memorable.

Hierarchy was established in the brand guidelines about how to use the logos and when each brand should be mentioned.

There was immense intention in making sure the brands blended seamlessly. This consistency was made possible through exact typographic rules and shared colors.

Brand Strategy

A strategy was built for both Yoga Lab and Lab Coffee as they launched new marketing. Details covering brand voice, client avatar, social media do's and don'ts, layout design, and more, were detailed in the brand guidelines.

Brand Assets

A custom icon set was created for both brands to share. These icons were also used to build patterns that tell narratives about each business and what they offer.


Photos by Adam Ghantous.


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Located in Bloomington, Illinois but always available for travel.

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