Eagle Crest
Brand Identity + Print Design + Signage
The team behind the Eagle Crest Industrial Park needed a brand for its state-of-the art, Class-A industrial development. The park covered 353,750 square feet and was in need of a brand that would highlight its cutting edge presence in the Raleigh area.

Brand Identity + Mobile UI Design + Print Design
A brand and mobile app that inspires users to take ownership over their own personal mission.
Pete from Permission started his own organization that offers consultations, retreats, and discipleship programs all aimed at helping ordinary people discover their extraordinary purpose. He desired a total rebrand that was clean, inspiring, and could be applied across widespread platforms.

The Branding Process
As branding began, we took a look at the organization’s core values; unity, diversity, and inspiration. These three principles informed our type, color, and logo decisions.

The Permission logo is a wordmark. It showcases two different words within one word, highlighting the greater mission of the organizaiton. The beginning of the logo “per” is showcased in orange. This signifies the importance of individuals/individuality that Permission wants to impact.
There is then a break in the letter “m”. This break signifies the start of a new word: “mission”. Mission is shown in grey. Having the orange “per” reaching to touch dull “mission” represents that it is the individuals who will bring light and life to the mission set before them.
Mobile App Design
As Permission grew, so did its need for community building. As a result, our studio was commissioned to build a mobile app for a 7 week discipleship program. The app was designed and built from scratch- giving us the opportunity to extend the brand’s visual language and customize it to fit the user’s specific needs.


The End Result​
Permission was created to inspire all people to take ownership over their own mission. The branding was created to further that very purpose. From booklets and infographics to podcast covers and mobile design, the permission brand displays the impactful work the organization is doing at large.